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Ministry Opportunities

Discover opportunities to connect your passion with God’s heart. Each of these needs gives you the chance to engage your passion through a unique experience. Grow and learn about God by finding your place in His plan for redemption.
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A position for two female interns to live and minister in a church dorm, home to eight university students.
Use your God-given talents as an athlete to teach the love of sports to Honduran youth.
Are you a neonatologist feeling called to serve overseas? Join the work in Kenya at Tenwek Hospital.
WGM offers on-site internships in coaching, graphic design, marketing, web design, and writing in Marion, Indiana.
Serve as a psychiatrist at Tenwek Hospital
With a new school comes the need for new personnel. The first evangelical school in Irapuato, Mexico, is looking for someone to help teach the...
Maintenance personnel with a specialty in plumbing are needed at a medical ministry in the Middle East.
Two teachers are needed to teach elementary and high school grades in public schools located on Native American reservations.
Serve at Tenwek as a GI Endoscopist for either short-term or longer-term service, performing surgey, training others, and doing researching.
An office manager is needed to create a pleasant work environment, ensuring high levels of effectiveness, communication, and safety.
Three church planters are needed to evangelize, disciple, and incorporate new believers into local congregations that will be part of the national...
Immanuel General Mission is looking for a volunteer to lead English classes, work with youth in local churches, and possibly lead Bible studies.
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Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.