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Giving Tuesday 2020: The Movement of Generosity

Giving Tuesday 2020: The Movement of Generosity

Living life in community has been challenging this year. For many long months, people haven’t been able to gather like they normally would and maintaining relationships has required innovation. One thing we’ve learned is that generosity is a thread that pulls us back together.

Generosity is a way to be active in someone else’s life even when it’s impossible to be physically present with them. We’ve seen people give of their time to run errands for neighbors and have long phone conversations with isolated friends. They’ve given of their finances to provide food, shelter, and clothing for others. And they’ve given the message of the Gospel to many seeking hope in difficult times.

On December 1, Giving Tuesday, you will have a chance to join the movement of generosity. Whatever needs around the world have been on your heart this year, this is your opportunity to give out of the resources you’ve been blessed with. And as you give generously, we have no doubt that you’ll start to draw closer to God and to others. Generosity is infectious. It’s healing. It’s joy-giving.

So find a global worker to support. Partner with a project you’re passionate about. Ask God to show you how He wants you to get involved.

God has already been at work in powerful ways this year amidst so much uncertainty, and now we eagerly await to see what He will do next through you and in you.

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