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Nine Ways to Encourage Your Missionary

Nine Ways to Encourage Your Missionary

Being a missionary can be a challenging journey. It can feel lonely at times, especially when living far away from family in a culture that isn’t first nature. That’s why we want to share a few ideas of how you can encourage the missionaries in your life. You can even bookmark this post and work through each of these suggestions through the next 12 months. You’ll become more connected to your missionary and be able to minister to and encourage them on their mission field.

1. Pray for them. Stick their prayer card or a photo of them in a place you often look, and pray for them every time you see it. After you pray, let them know! Be specific and share who prayed and when. It’s encouraging to hear that someone is actually praying, not just saying they’ll pray.

2. Send a card in the mail. After a while, it’s possible for missionaries to wonder if people in their sending country remember them in the busyness of their lives. Sending a card is a perfect way to remind your missionary that you’re thinking of them.

3. Ask if there’s anything they need and figure out how to get it to them. Not all places can receive packages through the mail. If this is the case, ask if there’s another way to get it to them.

4. Send an email. Share what’s going on in your life, and then ask how they are, how their ministry is going, and if there are specific things you can pray for.

5. Engage with them on social media. If they post photos of a recent ministry experience or share a story about their kids, reply with a few words or a short message. Leaving a comment goes a lot further in encouraging your missionary than simply clicking the like button.

6. Read update emails or letters and reply to them. Missionaries tend to put a lot of time and thought into their updates as a way to share what God is doing through their ministry. Replying lets them know you’ve read the update and that you care about what they’re doing.

7. Send an e-gift card for music, a book, or a movie app they like. Countless e-gift cards are now available online and can be used around the world. Surprising your missionary with one on a special day or just for fun can be a tremendous encouragement!

8. Let them know about any new, inspiring resources you’ve found, whether it’s music, a book, a podcast or a website. It’s not always possible to stay on top of the latest trends on the mission field. Letting your missionary know what you’ve liked recently can help them find quality materials more easily and will be very encouraging.

9. Connect with your missionary when they are in the United States. There are lots of ways to support your missionary when they are on home ministry. If they’re nearby, you can take them out for dinner or for a fun night of bowling. If they aren’t nearby, restaurant or grocery gift cards can be great while they travel to churches and visit family. Another way to care for your missionary is to offer a cabin or favorite vacation spot where they can relax for little or no money.

What will you do this month to encourage your missionaries? Start today, then make a note in your calendar to do something each month. It’s a great way to be a part of what they are doing this year—wherever they are serving!

Angela Olsen is a staff writer for WGM while serving as a missionary on Special Assignment with her husband, Pete, and their two kids. They currently live on the shore of Lake Superior in Duluth, Minnesota. You can follow her journeys at, on Instagram, and on Facebook.

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